We are fast approaching lambing season, so bring the kids for a weekend away so they can experience “Lambing Live” first hand! Our 270 ewes will soon be producing, approximately 500 lambs. The sheep are scanned at Christmas then separated in the sheds, depending on whether they are expecting one, two or three lambs. This way Geoff can feed those expecting multiples a little more than those expecting only one baby. Most years one ewe surprises us and pops out a 4th lamb! Come and stay from the last week in February to the first week in April to have the chance of seeing lamb being born and maybe help feed the orphan lambs. Our small herd of Red Poll Cattle is also expanding and we expect their new calves to be born this April and May. Check out the photos on our Farm Activities page to see a calf just seconds old. Elm Tree Farm is located in Northamptonshire, right on the borders of Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire so it also offers a great central meeting point for families living throughout the UK. Honeysuckle Cottage even looks out to the farmyard where the sheep and cows are living in the barns over the colder winter months.